Hands Off Venezuela Campaign to be launched in Indonesia

By Ted Sprague
Tuesday, 18 March 2008

It is not an overstatement that the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela is a shining beacon of hope for struggling masses around the world. Not only inspiring, the Venezuelan revolution offers many lessons for revolutionaries who are genuinely seeking radical solutions to problems faced by the toiling masses. With these ideas in mind, a group of Leftist organizations and individuals in Indonesia have decided to launch the Hands Off Venezuela campaign, thus making it the first HOV campaign present in the Asia Pacific region.

The official launch of the campaign will be held in conjunction with the first public premiere screening of “No Volveran” on March 28, 2008. The campaign’s website is already up and running and has served as a source of information on the Venezuelan Revolution. Local organizations that have supported and endorsed this campaign include the PRP (Working People Association), the KPRM-PRD (The Political Committee of The Poor – People’s Democratic Party), SERIAL (Indonesian People Solidarity for Latin America), Rumah Kiri, Ultimus Bandung, Resist Book, SMI (Indonesian Students’ Union), IGJ (Institute for Global Justice), and LMND-PRM (National Student League for Democracy – The Politics of the Poor). Many other progressive groups are expected to join as the campaign becomes more and more established.

“HOV-Indonesia is built as an effort to widen the support for the Bolivarian Revolution, as a propaganda tool for socialist programs in Venezuela (its achievements, its process, etc), and as an educational tool for revolutionary movements and labor movements in Indonesia in order to build a revolution in Indonesia.”

This is how it was announced in the invitation letter to the launching event.

For the movement in Indonesia, the fate and the lessons of the Venezuelan Revolution are crucial. Just as in Venezuela, Indonesia is rich in oil and yet 110 million of its 220-million population live on less than $2 a day, 13 million children in Indonesia go hungry for lack of food, and 25 million people are illiterate. Nationalization of oil (and other mining industries) as carried out by the Bolivarian government, where the profit is then distributed to the people through social programs, is one of the demands that can also be applied in Indonesia to tackle its dire poverty.

The launching of the HOV campaign in Indonesia should be a cause for celebration for all revolutionaries around the globe. It symbolizes yet another concrete example of solidarity between the exploited masses in Indonesia and Venezuela, in Asia and Latin America. It is another step forward toward greater unity amongst all toiling masses in their struggle against global capitalism and imperialism.

Please send your message of support to HOV-Indonesia campaign to:  hovindonesia@yahoo.com


Ted Sprague adalah aktivis Hands Off Venezuela, tinggal di Montreal

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